iChope Events CIC request your company at the
launch at 12:45pm on 27th June 2024 at the Vindico Arena
please RSVP by 17th June 2024
email: alison@ichopeevents.co.uk
please advise of your dietary, allergy and accessibility requirements
please be advised that there will be filming and photography at this event
no alcohol will be served at this event
IS-vid launch schedule
12:45pm arrive at the Vindico Arena, postcode CF11 0JS
12:55pm welcome
introduction to IS-vid
1:05pm guest speaker (tbc)
1:10pm munch and mingle
1:30pm IS-vid session observation (optional)
IS-vid would not be possible without the funding of the National Lottery Community Fund and iChope Events CIC would like to thank players of the National Lottery.
iChope Events CIC is grateful for the support of the
IS-vid Project Advisory Group comprising:
RNIB Cymru
Disability Sport Wales
Lived experienced members
Figure Skate Coaches
Vindico Arena
an Independent Researcher
Please click the video below to watch our IS-vid launch digital invitation video, or continue to have a transcript of the video:
The video begins by showing a white figure skate on a black background with the word IS-vid in gold across the front in a dark blue box.
The video then changes screen and displays the iChope Events CIC logo which is a silhouette of a female figure skater in a double strand DNA helix. The invitation reads:
iChope Events CIC are pleased to invite you to the launch of IS-vid at the Vindico Arena Thursday 27th June 2024at 12:45pm. Please indicate your dietary requirements or allergies. There will be photography and filming at this event.
The screen changes to read iChope Events CIC presents IS-vid supported by, then lists its supporting organisations by displaying their logos:
the National Lottery Community Fund / Cronfa Gymunedol which is pink writing with a hand displayed in black outline with the index finger and middle finger crossed in hope
RNIB Cymru with its logo displaying black writing RNIB Cymru Golwg gwahanol See Differently
SENSE logo which displays purple drawing of a right hand cupping the top of a white letter S and an orange drawing of a left hand cupping the bottom of the white letter S.
Disability Sport Wales lettering in red and its Welsh translation Chwaraeon Anabledd Cymru in green with an illustration of a dragon with its head and torso in red and its bottom in green to the left of the wording
Vindico Arena with the word Vindico written in black font against a white background and the word Arena written in white against a purple background
The video concludes with the white figure skate against a dark blue background with the words iChope Events CIC written in gold across the middle in a dark blue box