Thank you for participating in the IS-vid skating sessions.
As per the funding agreement we are obliged to collect feedback half way through the project so we can effectively monitor the success or failure or IS-vid.
We will endeavour to act upon any feedback that could improve the way the project is managed, the way sessions are delivered and anything else that we may be able to assist with.
The survey below is anonymous meaning that you cannot be identified from the answers you provide.
Please complete this survey with the skaters input if you are a parent/guardian of multiple skaters under the age of 16 years.
Please help skaters complete one survey each if you are a parent/guardian of multiple skaters.
The survey is split into three sections. Section one collects demographic information, section two collects information about inclusion, emotions and confidence whilst section three collects information about physical activity and any barriers you may experience in attending IS-vid.
Thank you for completing the survey. All surveys are anonymous and you cannot be identified from the answers you have given. Thank you for your feedback, we aim to use this feedback to help shape future IS-vid sessions and to inform the legacy project.